I think this is my first Mothers Day away from my momma! As sad as I am that I am not with her today, the good news is she is coming to visit me on Friday with my little sister! YAY! I cannot wait to see both of them.
Mom and Dani helping me get into my wedding dress; Mom and Dani together
My mom has been the best role model and friend I could ever ask for. I can talk to her about anything and everything, and she always gives me the best advice. I do not know what I would do without her and thank God everyday that he chose her to be my mom. She is the best!
I have also been blessed with a wonderful stepmom who has put up with me since age 11...and I know I wasn't always the easiest, kindest, or most considerate kid ;) but she has always been there and loved me anyway. She also brought my gorgeous little brother into this world and for that I am forever grateful :)
K and Dad <3
And last but not least, I have been very blessed with a great mother-in-law. She has been the inspiration behind many of my adventures..two of them being running and blogging! She has always been SO welcoming and has truly always made me feel like family. I love her for that and am so glad I have such a kind hearted woman to call my mother-in-law. I am so blessed to her in my life!
(I also married into a very good looking family :) Here I am with my sister-in-laws and my mother-in-law at my bridal shower)
I hope everyone had a great Mother's Day and were able to spend it with their friends and family <3