Sunday, January 22, 2012

A sad day for the Penn State Family

Today was a sad day for all Penn Staters as we lost our beloved coach, Joe Paterno. He was a leader on the football field and off. He taught his players, including my husband and father-in-law, how to be men with integrity. Not only did he have an impact on his players, but he had an impact on the whole Penn State community. He donated five million dollars to build the library on campus (which was only one of many, MANY donations), made appearances at Penn State's Dance MaraTHON (which is the largest student run philanthropy in the world), was involved in the Special Olympics, and much more.

He believed in winning with integrity and insisted that his players put school work before football. His team wore plain jerseys with no names on them, black shoes, and white helmets. To me, that tradition symbolized that nothing beats good, old fashioned, hard work. You don't need all the extra bells and whistles to be the best or win football games. Success comes with hard work and dedication.

He was a father, husband, grandfather, coach, friend, and teacher. His human body may no longer be living, but his spirit will forever live on; because after all, Legends NEVER die.

Joe, may you rest in peace. We love you.
(a picture my sister sent me from the candlelight vigil at Old Main this evening)

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