Fun weekend with my little brother...
Hello, all! Hope the New Year has started off great for everyone :) Mick and I have been awesome....we are home for a few months and have gotten to see our families and catch up with friends. Life is good! One of my favorite things to do while I am home is hang out with my little bro-ski who is 7. He is hilarious and never ceases to keep me entertained. My dad and step mom were out of town last weekend so Mick and I kept Mike. He shot Mickey's pellet gun outside, wrestled with Jagger, watched movies, helped cook, and asked about 10 million questions (which is normal, he is possibly the most inquisitive person I have ever met...). Mikey also had a birthday party to attend this weekend. That was quite the experience. I guess I forgot that Mikey and his friends are not three years old anymore, so when they shook each others hands and chest-bumped as a hello I was a bit taken back. How hilarious!
I left him at the party and told him I would be back to get him at 9, but being the good big sister that I am (ha!), I showed up a few minutes early and was able to get some of his "skating" on video... I couldn't help but laugh at him, but don't worry, he didn't take offense to it. He was a good sport and thought it was funny, too! Watch and enjoy... (Hes the one at the end of the rink with a black shirt on)
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